Peningkatan Pengetahuan Siswa SMKN 1 Gunung Talang Terhadap Pilihan Program Studi Di Perguruan Tinggi


  • Aldo Eko Syaputra Universitas Adzkia
  • Hadigufri Triha Universitas Adzkia
  • Febri Andika Putra STMIK Citra Mandiri Padangsidempuan


Pemilihan Prodi, Kampus, Mahasiswa Baru, Minat, Bakat


Choosing a college study program is an important decision for vocational school students. Lack of information often becomes an obstacle in the decision-making process. Therefore, this activity aims to increase the knowledge of SMKN 1 Gunung Talang students regarding various study program options so that they can determine the appropriate educational path. This topic was chosen because many vocational school students feel unsure about choosing a study program. With better understanding, students are expected to be able to make the right decisions according to the needs of industry and the world of work. The methods used include seminars, interactive discussions, and individual mentoring. Apart from that, a simulation of selecting study programs based on interests and talents is provided through questionnaires and simple psychological tests. This activity involves academics and experienced educational practitioners. The results of the activities show an increase in students' understanding of various study programs. Students are more confident in choosing a study program that suits their potential. Awareness of career opportunities also increases, helping students make more targeted and informed academic decisions.


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