Pengembangan Modul Berbasis Problem Based Learning Pada Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu Dikelas V


  • Maifit Hendriani STKIP Adzkia
  • Cynthia Efna Deza Universitas Adzkia



Module, Problem Based Learning, Integrated Thematic


This research is based on the problem found in class V, namely the modules used are less attractive, the existing modules have not used one of the learning models. The use of modules is still rarely done by students because of the limitations of educatorsin making and developing modules. Researcher chose to develop a PBL-based module to help students think critically, basides that this module will be declared valid if it has been assessed and revised by the validator. This study aims to develop teaching material in the form of PBL-based modules in integrated thematic learning in class V which has been assessed and correted by the validator. The development modul used is a 4-D modelconsisting of the stages of defining. Designing ( design ), development, and dissemination. The data collection teachnique is in the from of a validation sheet that will be assessed by the validator in their fields. The resultas showed that the PBL-based module developed was valid. This is eviden from the results of the validator sheet scores obtained by material experts, validator 1 is 91,9% with very valid criteria, validator 2 is 96,4% with very valid criteria, the language validation sheet score is 86,1% with valid criteria. And the score the design validation sheet was 88,56% with valid criteria.


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